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Search results for pi,1465 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1465
Translated headword: Pisander, Peisander, Peisandros
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Piso and Aristaechma; a Camirian from
Rhodes;[1] for Camirus was a city of
Rhodes. Some also relate that he was a contemporary of Eumolpus[2] and his lover, but some [make him] even older than Hesiod[3] and others place him in the thirty-third Olympiad.[4] He also had a sister Dioclea. His poems [comprise] a
Heraclea in 2 books; it is [an account of] the deeds of Heracles; there he was the first who gave a club to Heracles. The remainder of his poems are considered spurious, composed by others, among whom was the poet Aristeus.[5]
Greek Original:*pei/sandros, *pei/swnos kai\ *)aristai/xmas, *kamirai=os a)po\ *(ro/dou: *ka/miros ga\r h)=n po/lis *(ro/dou. kai/ tines me\n au)to\n *eu)mo/lpou tou= poihtou= su/gxronon kai\ e)rw/menon i(storou=si, tine\s de\ kai\ *(hsio/dou presbu/teron, oi( de\ kata\ th\n lg# o)lumpia/da ta/ttousin. e)/sxe de\ kai\ a)delfh\n *dio/kleian. poih/mata de\ au)tou= *(hra/kleia e)n bibli/ois b#: e)/sti de\ ta\ *(hrakle/ous e)/rga: e)/nqa prw=tos *(hraklei= r(o/palon perite/qeike. ta\ de\ a)/lla tw=n poihma/twn no/qa au)tou= doca/zetai, geno/mena u(po/ te a)/llwn kai\ *)ariste/ws tou= poihtou=.
Pisander dates from the seventh or sixth century BCE; OCD4
[1] Noted by
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. Camirus.
[2] For Eumolpus see generally
epsilon 3585.
[3] For Hesiod see generally
eta 583.
[4] 648-645 BCE.
[5] Perhaps Aristeus of Proconnesus, as M.L. West conjectures. See his edition of
Greek Epic Fragments (LCL), Harvard U.P.: 2003, p.181.
M.L. West, Greek Epic Fragments (LCL), Harvard U.P.: 2003.
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; poetry; women
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 15 May 2003@18:30:35.
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