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Search results for pi,1451 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1451
Translated headword: to make an attempt
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to make a beginning. "Scipio the Roman gave this advice: either not to make an attempt or [sc. to do so] in such a way as to match the goal to the action by every possible means. For to make an attempt twice with the same objective makes it become hazardous and, at the same time, completely contemptible".[1]
Greek Original:*peira/zein: kata/rxesqai. *skipi/wn o( *(rwmai=os sunebou/leusen ou(/tws h)\ mh\ peira/zein h)\ ou(/tws w(/ste e)k panto\s tro/pou te/los e)piqei=- nai th=| pra/cei. to\ ga\r di\s pro\s to\n au)to\n peira/zein a(/ma me\n e)pisfale\s, a(/ma d' eu)katafro/nhton gene/sqai poiei= pantelw=s.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 March 2010@08:59:59.
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