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Search results for pi,1448 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1448
Translated headword: trial, test, attempt
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] trickery, and deceit, and skill.[1] Whence also criminals at sea [are called] pirates.[2] But harm [is] also [called]
pei=ra, as in
Danae: "I do not know your trial nor do I understand [it]; as this one is [your?] child I perish."[3] "Always, Odysseus, I see you hunting to snatch some attempt on enemies." That is, I always see you scheming to forestall the harm coming from your enemies and to send this upon your enemies.
Greek Original:*pei=ra: o( do/los, kai\ h( a)pa/th, kai\ h( te/xnh. o(/qen kai\ peiratai\ oi( kata\ qa/lassan kakou=rgoi. pei=ra de\ kai\ h( bla/bh: w(s e)n *dana/h| *sofoklh=s: ou)k oi)=da th\n sh\n pei=ran ou)d' e)pi/stamai, tou= paido\s o)/ntos tou=d' e)gw\ dio/llumai. a)ei/, *)odusseu=, o(rw= se pei=ra/n tin' e)xqrw=n a(rpa/sai qhrw/menon. toute/stin a)ei\ o(rw= se th\n para\ tw=n e)xqrw=n sou bla/bhn ginome/nhn prou+farpa/sai kai\ toi=s e)xqroi=s tau/thn e)pipe/myai mhxanw/menon.
From the fuller
scholia to
Ajax 1-2, which is loosely quoted at the end of the entry. For the precise version (with, e.g., 'son of Laertes' for the Suda's 'Odysseus', and
de/dorka for
o(rw=) see web address 1.
[1] cf.
pi 1449,
pi 1450.
[2] cf.
pi 1454.
Sophocles fr. 165 Radt: read
e(\n d' e)pi/stamai "but I understand one thing."
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: children; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 December 2011@01:05:52.
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