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Search results for pi,1445 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1445
Translated headword: hunger
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] desire resulting from lack of nourishment. [Spelled] with a diphthong. But pi/nna the fish [is spelled] with an iota.[1]
Hunger is a desire for what is dry and warm, although not without cold; for our bodies being composed of these are nourished by them, when they have the strength to work and to digest and to make what is consumed like [themselves].[2]
Greek Original:*pei=na: h( di' e)/ndeian trofh=s e)piqumi/a. dia\ difqo/ggou. *pi/nna de\ o( i)xqu\s dia\ tou= i. e)/sti de\ pei=na e)piqumi/a chrou= kai\ qermou=, ou) di/xa de\ yuxrou=: sunestw=ta ga\r h(mw=n e)nqe/nde ta\ sw/mata tre/fetai di' au)tw=n, o(/tan i)sxu/h| katerga/zesqai kai\ pe/ttein kai\ e)comoiou=n ta\ prosago/mena.
See also
pi 1446.
[1] Similar information in grammarians. For
pi/nna or
pi=na, see
pi 1608.
[2] The immediate source is unidentifiable, but cf.
De Anima 414b11; also
Paraphrase of Aristotle's De Anima 5,3 p.47, and John
Commentary on Aristotle's De Anima 15.250. In all of these hunger is associated with thirst, for which see
delta 1307.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; medicine; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 December 2011@19:41:26.
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