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Search results for pi,144 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,144
Translated headword: Pamphilos, Pamphilus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A popular leader at
Athens. And he was stealing the property of the people and, after being caught in the act, was ruined, as
Aristophanes maintains.
Greek Original:*pa/mfilos, dhmagwgo\s *)aqh/nhsi. kai\ e)/klepte ta\ tou= dh/mou kai\ fwraqei\s e)p' au)tofw/rw| katelu/qh, w(/s fhsin *)aristofa/nhs.
Plutus [
Wealth] 174, simply mentions this Pamphilos; the actual information about him comes from the
scholia on the line. This episode, probably in 389/8, put an end to a promising military career: see the bibliography below.
phi 663.
J.K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) 365
B.S. Strauss, Athens After the Peloponnesian War (Ithaca NY 1986) 157
R. Develin, Athenian Officials 684-321 BC (Cambridge 1989) no.2239
Keywords: biography; comedy; economics; ethics; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 December 2000@04:17:25.
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