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Adler number: pi,1434
Translated headword: garlic-excited
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they who are] puffed up [by it]. The outside peel of garlic-bulbs is [called][1] a
fu/sigc; the
fusi/ggh. So he jested about this too at the expense of the Megarians, because they have many garlic-bulbs.[2] Or [meaning] filled-up, from a metaphor of the paunches or bladders [
fu=sai] that receive the wind. Or [meaning] enflamed, swollen.
Aristophanes [writes]: "and then the Megarians, garlic-excited with vexations, stole in return [two whores][3] of Aspasia."
Greek Original:*pefusiggwme/noi: pefushme/noi. fu/sigc de\ to\ e)kto\s le/pisma tw=n skoro/dwn: h( fusi/ggh. e)/paicen ou)=n kai\ tou=to ei)s *megare/as, o(/ti polla\ sko/roda e)/xousin. h)\ peplhsme/noi, a)po\ metafora=s tw=n to\n a)/nemon dexome/nwn a)skw=n h)\ fusw=n. h)\ e)kkekaume/noi, oi)dou=ntes. *)aristofa/nhs: ka)=|q' oi( *megarei=s o)du/nais pefusiggwme/noi, a)ntece/kleyan *)aspasi/as.
The headword, extracted from the quotation eventually given, is the perfect participle, masculine nominative plural, of the verb
Acharnians 526–527, with scholion on 526; cf.
phi 860, and see Dübner (below) 16.
[1] The scholion has
le/getai, omitted by the lexicographer.
[2] Line 521 has already mentioned the association between the Megarians and garlic bulbs.
[3] The line ends
po/rna du/o, omitted here. For Aspasia see generally
alpha 4202.
Friedrich Dübner. Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem: cum prolegomenis grammaticorum. Paris, 1855
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; imagery; science and technology; women; zoology
Translated by: Philip Forness on 30 March 2012@00:12:09.
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