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Search results for pi,142 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,142
Translated headword: Pamphilos, Pamphilus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of Alexandria. A grammarian of the school of
Aristarchus.[1] He wrote
Meadow (a summary of miscellaneous contents);
On Rare Words, i.e. vocabulary (95 books: it runs from epsilon to omega, since Zopyrion[2] had done the letters from alpha to delta);[3]
On Unexplained Passages in Nicander and the so-called
Opica; [4]
Art of Criticism; and very many other works on grammar.
Greek Original:*pa/mfilos, *)alecandreu/s, grammatiko\s *)arista/rxeios. e)/graye *leimw=na: e)/sti de\ poiki/lwn perioxh/, *peri\ glwssw=n h)/toi le/cewn bibli/a #4e#: e)/sti de\ a)po\ tou= e stoixei/ou e(/ws tou= w: ta\ ga\r a)po\ tou= a me/xri tou= d *zwpuri/wn e)pepoih/kei. *ei)s ta\ *nika/ndrou a)nech/ghta kai\ ta\ kalou/mena *)opika/, *te/xnhn kritikh/n, kai\ a)/lla plei=sta grammatika/.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; poetry; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 5 September 2003@14:37:41.
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