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Search results for pi,1406 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1406
Translated headword: Peter, Petros
Vetting Status: high
Translation: the rhetor; also magister and historian. Sent as an ambassador to Chosroes, his rhetoric was cogent and irrefutable, because of his ability to mollify the inflexible and grandiose attitudes of the barbarians.[1] He wrote a history, and On Political Constitution.
Greek Original:*pe/tros, o( r(h/twr, o( kai\ ma/gistros kai\ i(storiko/s, presbeuth\s w(s *xosro/hn stalei\s ma/la e)mbriqh/s te h)=n kai\ a)na/lwtos e)n tw=| r(htoreu/ein, tw=| katamala/cai fronh/mata barbarika\ sklhra/ te kai\ o)gkw/dh. e)/grayen i(stori/an kai\ peri\ politikh=s katasta/sews.
RE Petros(6); PLRE Petrus(6).
[1] Source:
Menander Protector fr.6.2 Blockley; cf.
epsilon 958. See the account of this embassy in Blockley (1985) 55-91.
R. Blockley, The History of Menander the Guardsman (Liverpool 1985).
Keywords: biography; constitution; ethics; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 5 September 2003@14:56:57.
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