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Search results for pi,139 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,139
Translated headword: Pamphile, Pamphila
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Epidaurus; a wise woman; daughter of Soteridas,[1] who is said to have been the author of her collections, as
Dionysius [says] in [book] 30 of his
Musical History;[2] but others write that her husband Socratidas was the author.[3] [She wrote]
Historical Commentaries in 33 books;[4]
Epitome of Ctesias[5] in 3 books; a very large number of epitomes of histories and other books;
On Disputes;
On Sex; and many other works.[6]
Greek Original:*pamfi/lh, *)epidauri/a, sofh/, quga/thr *swthri/dou, ou(= le/getai ei)=nai kai\ ta\ sunta/gmata, w(s *dionu/sios e)n tw=| l# th=s *mousikh=s i(stori/as: w(s de\ e(/teroi gegra/fasi *swkrati/da tou= a)ndro\s au)th=s. *(istorika\ u(pomnh/mata e)n bibli/ois lg#, *)epitomh\n tw=n *kthsi/ou e)n bibli/ois g#, e)pitoma\s i(storiw=n te kai\ e(te/rwn bibli/wn pamplei/stas, *peri\ a)mfisbhth/sewn, *peri\ a)frodisi/wn kai\ a)/llwn pollw=n.
C1 AD. See generally RE
Pamphila(1); OCD4
Pamphila; FHG 3.520-522.
[1] See [
sigma 875] and [
sigma 876] Soteridas. A problem arises from the fact that in
sigma 875 Soteridas is the name of
Pamphila's husband; hence Adler (apparatus there) would read Sokratidas. Since both entries probably refer to the same grammarian, it is likely that a misunderstanding or confusion of the sources have caused a mistake in
sigma 875.
[2] [
delta 1171]
Dionysius. The false attribution of historical works is often suspected by ancient authors in cases of woman writers, since their skills were not believed up to such complex matters. A similar remark occurs in
Athenaeus, in reference to the obscure historian Nikobule; cf. also
Marcellinus' observation about the style of
Thucydides book 8, composed by the historian's daughter according to some sources.
[3] See [
sigma 875] Soteridas (sic). According to A. Daub (
RhM 35, 58-61), the name
Sokratidas is just a corruption for
Soteridas, i.e.
Pamphila's husband and not her father. However, the character of this entry, where both names are inserted and in a way opposed to each other, does not support such interpretations. The name of
Pamphila's husband was probably known from the preface to her miscellaneous work (see note 6).
[4] See
Bibl. cod. 175.
[5] [
kappa 2521] Ktesias.
Pamphila of Epidaurus flourished in the age of the Emperor Nero. Her family or ancestors had moved to Greece from Egypt, most likely Alexandria, and she was therefore considered (at least by
Photius) as Egyptian:
*ai)gupti/a de\ to\ ge/nos h( *pamfi/lh (cf. Phot.
Bibl. 119b38. According to
Pamphila also wrote the
summi/ktwn i(storikw=n u(pomnhma/twn lo/goi, "
Miscellany of historical notes", a work in eight books. It was the fruit of her advice to put on record everything one reads (and learns), advice
Photius appears to quote with approval: cf. Phot.
Bibl. 119b20-27.
Keywords: biography; gender and sexuality; historiography; meter and music; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 16 May 2002@22:18:19.
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