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Search results for pi,1371 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1371
Translated headword: Perseus of Macedon, Perseus the Macedonian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Perseus, having already regaining courage little by little after [his] flight, wickedly killed
Nicias and
Andronicus whom he had sent for the drowning of his money and the burning of his ships.[1] For, having saved both ships and money for himself, he considered them witnesses of [his] shameful panic and [likely] to report [it] to others; and from this [point] he immediately changed, becoming fierce and reckless to all. Nothing sane or prudent was still in him, but rather the man [who was] the most persuasive in judgment, clever in calculation, and the bravest in battle — as much as he was foiled because of [his] inexperience — then all at once and unreasonably turned to cowardice and thoughtlessness. Suddenly he became fickle and clumsy in all things, as fortune had begun leaving him. Wherefore one can see many becoming more irrational than their [sc. previous] selves when change comes."[2]
"Perseus' ship was lavishly equipped in many respects, particularly in having the oarage made for 17 rows."[3]
Greek Original:*perseu\s *makedw/n: o(/ti *perseu\s a)naqarrw=n h)/dh kat' o)li/gon meta\ th\n fugh\n *niki/an kai\ *)andro/nikon, ou(\s e)pi\ to\n katapontismo\n tw=n xrhma/twn kai\ to\n e)mprhsmo\n tw=n new=n e)pepo/mfei, peripoih/sas au(tw=| kai\ ta\s nau=s kai\ ta\ xrh/mata, suni/storas h(gou/menos ai)sxrou= fo/bou kai\ e(te/rois e)cagge/llein, a)pe/kteinen a)qemi/stws: kai\ a)po\ tou=de eu)qu\s e)k metabolh=s w)mo\s kai\ eu)xerh\s e)s a(/pantas e)ge/neto, kai\ ou)de\n u(gie\s ou)/te eu)/boulo/n oi( e)/ti h)=n, a)ll' o( piqanw/tatos e)s eu)bouli/an kai\ logi/sasqai decio\s kai\ eu)tolmo/tatos e)s ma/xas, o(/sa ge mh\ sfa/lloito di' a)peiri/an, a)qro/ws to/te kai\ paralo/gws e)s deili/an kai\ a)logisti/an e)tre/peto kai\ taxu\s kai\ eu)meta/qetos a)/fnw kai\ skaio\s e)s pa/ntas e)gi/neto, a)rxome/nhs au)to\n e)pilei/pein th=s tu/xhs, o(/per e)sti\ pollou\s i)dei=n metabolh=s proi+ou/shs a)logwte/rous genome/nous e(autw=n. o(/ti h( tou= *perse/ws nau=s ta/ te a)/lla e)ch/skhto megalofuw=s kai\ th\n ei)resi/an e)pi\ iz# stoi/xwn ei)=xe pepoihme/nhn.
For this individual see already
pi 1370 and the notes there. The present entry draws on two sources: see below.
[1] The Suda manuscripts, Adler notes, have 'drowning' twice; 'burning' comes from the source (see next note).
[2] Appian,
Macedonica fr. 16; again in part at
sigma 1582. This highly unfavourable portrait of Perseus relates specifically to the end of his reign. For discussion see N.G.L. Hammond and F.W. Walbank,
A History of Macedonia, iii (Oxford 1988) 532-3.
[3] John of
Antioch fr.134 Roberto (via Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
Excerpts on the Virtues). The figure of '17' looks very dubious and may well be corrupt, as transmitted numerals so easily are. See generally, on the
elephantine warships of the Hellenistic era, Lionel Casson,
Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World (Baltimore 1995) 99-116.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Philip Forness on 29 February 2012@08:16:24.
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