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Headword: *perseu/s
Adler number: pi,1370
Translated headword: Perseus
Vetting Status: high
This man, after renewing his friendship with [the] Romans, immediately turned his hand to courting the Greeks,[1] recalling to Macedonia those fleeing their debts, both those banished by [judicial] sentences and those who had withdrawn for offences to the king. He posted lists of these [men] in Delos and Delphi,[2] granting not only security to those returning but also recovery of the possessions from which each had fled. He released those in Macedonia itself from debts to the king, and set free those locked up in prisons for charges against the king. By doing these things he often believed foolishly[3] that many would show great hopes for all the Greeks in him.[4] He also exhibited the honor of the kingly office in his leadership in war.[5] For in appearance he was both capable and apt for every bodily need that concerns a practical purpose. In outward appearance he had a brow and disposition not unfitting his age. He had avoided the licentiousness of his father[6] both in women and in drink. His beginnings were of such character.[7]
Greek Original:
*perseu/s: ou(=tos a)nanewsa/menos th\n pro\s *(rwmai/ous fili/an eu)qe/ws e(llhnokopei=n e)peba/leto, katakalw=n ei)s th\n *makedoni/an kai\ tou\s ta\ xre/a feu/gontas kai\ tou\s pro\s katadi/kas e)kpeptwko/tas kai\ tou\s e)pi\ basilikoi=s e)gklh/masi parakexwrhko/tas. kai\ tou/twn e)ceti/qei prografa\s ei)/s te *dh=lon kai\ *delfou/s, didou\s ou) mo/non th\n a)sfa/leian toi=s kataporeuome/nois, a)lla\ kai\ tw=n u(parxo/ntwn komidh/n, a)f' w(=n e(/kastos e)/fuge. pare/luse de\ tou\s e)n au)th=| th=| *makedoni/a| tw=n basilikw=n o)feilhma/twn, a)fh=ke de\ kai\ tou\s e)n tai=s fulakai=s e)gkekleisme/nous e)pi\ basilikai=s ai)ti/ais. tau=ta de\ poih/sas pollou\s polla/kis metewrodokw=n kala\s e)lpi/das u(podeiknu/nai pa=si toi=s *(/ellhsin e)n au)tw=|: e)pe/faine de\ kai\ kata\ th\n e)n tw=| pole/mw| prostasi/an to\ th=s basilei/as a)ci/wma. kata/ te ga\r th\n e)pifa/neian h)=n i(kano\s kai\ pro\s pa=san swmatikh\n xrei/an th\n diatei/nousan ei)s to\n pragmatiko\n tro/pon eu)/qetos; kata/ te th\n e)pi/fasin ei)=xen e)pisku/nion kai\ ta/cin ou)k a)noi/keion th=s h(liki/as. e)pefeu/gei de\ kai\ th\n patrikh\n a)se/lgeian th/n te peri\ ta\s gunai=kas kai\ th\n peri\ tou\s po/tous. kai\ ta\ me\n prooi/mia au)tou= toiau/thn e)/sxe dia/qesin.
Born c.213/2, king of Macedonia 179-168; OCD4 s.v. Perseus(2). See also pi 1371. The present entry follows, with modifications, Polybius 25.3.1–8 (web address 1).
[1] cf. epsilon 840.
[2] Polybius 25.3.2 adds a third location: the temple of Itonian Athena (in Thessaly).
[3] metewrodokw=n appears to be the fusion of e)metew/rise, dokw=n as found in Polybius 25.3.4. The Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität, ed. Erich Trapp, defines this fused word as "leichtsinnig glauben."
[4] Polybius has e)n au(tw=| "in himself."
[5] More generalised in Polybius: "in the rest of his behaviour".
[6] Philip V (phi 355).
[7] Polybius 25.3.8 has "the beginnings of the reign of Perseus were of such character."
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics; women
Translated by: Philip Forness on 29 February 2012@08:10:52.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 29 February 2012@09:22:21.
David Whitehead (typo and other cosmetics; raised status) on 30 September 2013@07:14:39.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 10 August 2014@05:05:25.
Catharine Roth (added another note and a link) on 29 August 2021@22:44:20.


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