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Search results for pi,1355 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1355
Translated headword: offscouring, scapegoat
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] fragment; or [something that everyone treads] under foot;[1] or ransoming. So they used to say in connection with the [youth] annually [cast into the sea for relief] from the prevailing evils: "be an offscouring of us": that is, salvation and redemption. And thus they used to throw [him] into the sea, as if paying a sacrifice to Poseidon.
Greek Original:*peri/yhma: ka/tagma: h)\ u(po\ ta\ i)/xnh: h)\ a)polu/trwsis. ou(/tws e)pe/legon tw=| kat' e)niauto/n .... sunexo/ntwn kakw=n: peri/yhma h(mw=n genou=. h)/toi swthri/a kai\ a)polu/trwsis: kai\ ou(/tws e)ne/ballon th=| qala/ssh|, w(sanei\ tw=| *poseidw=ni qusi/an a)potinnu/ntes.
The headword is a neuter noun connected with
pi 1354.
Same entry in
Lexicon pi800 Theodoridis, whence this translation is supplemented, for the lacuna between
kat' e)niauto/n and
sunexo/ntwn kakw=n); and see also e.g.
Lexica Segueriana 341.9-14,
Hesychius pi1960, and
Gloss. sacr. ed. Alberti: from commentary on
1 Corinthians 4.13, where the phrase
pa/ntwn peri/yhma occurs (web address 1).
[1] The full version of this phrase is explicit in the paroemiographer Michael
Apostolius (14.22).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; mythology; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 January 2012@00:28:28.
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