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Search results for pi,1343 in Adler number:
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Headword: *perifw/santes
Adler number: pi,1343
Translated headword: having sealed (?)
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning they] having covered, having put a lid on. "Having collected a sufficiently large quantity of wild beasts they put them into fresh jars and, having sealed the jars, kept them ready for use".[1]
Greek Original:
*perifw/santes: skepa/santes, pwma/santes. plh=qos de\ qhri/wn a)qroi/santes i(kano\n e)s xu/tras kaina\s e)ne/ballon kai\ perifw/santes au)ta\s ei)=xon e)n e(toi/mw| pro\s th\n xrei/an.
The headword participle is presumably extracted from the quotation given, but in the form transmitted here, perifw/santes, it is otherwise unattested. (Alternatives have been suggested, none of them very convincing.)
[1] Quotation unidentifiable (though as Adler notes, Tiberius Hemsterhuys [1685-1766] drew attention to a possible connection with Cornelius Nepos, Hannibal '5.2' [= 10.4-5], on H.'s preparations for a sea-battle in 184 BCE).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 March 2010@04:25:36.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 30 March 2010@23:13:43.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 31 March 2010@05:18:07.
David Whitehead (Greek typo) on 28 September 2011@07:30:07.
David Whitehead on 30 September 2013@06:00:35.


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