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Adler number: pi,1311
Translated headword: is staking out
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in [the]
Philippics says: "as we sit making plans, he is staking [us] out".[1] This a metaphor from hunting: for they place wooden uprights, which they call
stoichoi or
stochoi, where the beasts run out, and spread nets across them, so that if the beasts evade the hunters they fall into the nets. However, some of the copies have "he is staking out", others "he is roping off".[2]
Greek Original:*peristoixi/zetai: *dhmosqe/nhs e)n *filippikoi=s: me/llontas h(ma=s, fhsi/, kai\ kaqhme/nous peristoixi/zetai. e)k metafora=s tw=n kunhgetw=n: kata\ ga\r ta\s e)kdroma\s tw=n qhri/wn o)rqa\ cu/la i(sta=sin, a(\ kalou=si stoi/xous h)\ sto/xous, katapetannu/ntes au)tw=n di/ktua, i(/na e)a\n au)tou\s e)kfu/gh| ta\ qhri/a, ei)s ta\ di/ktua e)mpe/sh|. e)/nia me/ntoi tw=n a)ntigra/fwn peristoixi/zetai e)/xei, a)/lla de\ perisxoini/zetai.
From Harpokration s.v.
For the headword verb see also
pi 1312.
Demosthenes 4.9 (web address 1), on Philip.
[2] These alternatives are more similar in Greek than in English:
peristoixi/zetai and
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; history; imagery; rhetoric; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 December 2000@08:41:02.
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