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Search results for pi,1306 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1306
Translated headword: peristiarch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The man thoroughly cleansing the hearth and the [sc. place of] assembly and the city. [sc. The term comes] from the hearth [e(sti/a] or the [verb] peristei/xein ["to go round"]. But Istros in his Attika says: 'peri/stia is the name of the purification-ceremonies, and those cleansing the holy things [are called] peristiarchs. For they go around outside [sc. the assembly-place] -- with each of the priests carrying a knife -- encompassing the public buildings and having a circuit'.[1]
Greek Original:*peristi/arxos: o( perikaqai/rwn th\n e(sti/an kai\ th\n e)kklhsi/an kai\ th\n po/lin. a)po\ th=s e(sti/as h)\ tou= peristei/xein. *)/istros de\ e)n toi=s *)attikoi=s, peri/stia, fhsi/, prosagoreu/etai ta\ kaqa/rsia, kai\ oi( ta\ i(era\ kaqai/rontes peristi/arxoi: e)/cwqen ga\r perie/rxontai, maxairoforou=ntos e(ka/stou tw=n i(erw=n oi)ki/ais perieilhmme/noi dhmosi/ais kai\ peri/dromon e)/xontes.
Same entry in
Photius (pi772 Theodoridis); cf.
Hesychius pi1883, and
Pollux 8.104. See also
pi 1307 (and already under
kappa 38).
[1] Istros [
Ister] FGrH 334 F16. 'Carrying a knife' appears to be the Suda compiler's own emendation of what is transmitted as 'carrying a piglet'. Public 'buildings' is securely transmitted (in
Photius and the Suda alike) but alternatives have been suggested: 'stoas' or 'walls' (Hemsterhuis), 'boundaries' (Adler)'. Jacoby obelizes 'buildings' but declares in his commentary that a convincing alternative is still to be found.
M.H. Hansen, The Athenian Assembly (Oxford [Blackwell] 1987) 21-22
R. Parker, Miasma (Oxford [O.U.P.] 1983) 90
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; religion; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 March 2010@10:55:04.
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