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Search results for pi,1296 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1296
Translated headword: surrounding
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Dinarchus in [the]
Etruscan [speech writes]: "after this, with
Damon already at the way up,[1] they make a surrounding; this led to my being begged to give evidence, etc.".[2] Perhaps the expression means something like this: he himself and those present with him stood around [the speaker] in a circle and forced [him] to give evidence; so that it would have the same meaning as "they made [me] surrounded". But in some [copies]
parastasis is written in place of
Greek Original:*peri/stasin: *dei/narxos *turrhnikw=|: meta\ tau=ta tou= *da/mwnos h)/dh peri\ a)gwgh\n o)/ntos, peri/stasin poih/sousin: ou(= kai\ marturei=n a)ciou=ntos, kai\ ta\ e(ch=s. mh/pote toiou=to/n e)sti to\ lego/menon, e)n ku/klw| perie/sth me\n au)to\s kai\ oi( sumparo/ntes au)tw=|, kai\ marturei=n h)na/gkazon: i(/na th\n au)th\n e)/nnoian e)/xh| to/, peri/staton metepoi/hsan. e)ni/ois de\ para/stasin a)nti\ tou= peri/stasin gra/fetai.
From Harpokration s.v.; cf.
Photius s.v. All three versions show textual variation from each other.
For this headword noun see already
pi 1295. Here it is accusative case, presumably extracted from the quotation given.
[1] Reading
a)nagwgh\n, with Harpok.; the Suda mss have
Dinarchus fr. XII.5 Conomis.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 December 2000@08:20:03.
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