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Search results for pi,1291 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1291
Translated headword: half-turn
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A movement of the unit out of two quarter-turns, with the result that it takes up the rear position. But a three-quarter-turn is a movement of the unit out of three continuous quarter-turns, with the result that it takes up a position facing left if it is done toward spear-side, but facing right if towards shield-side.
Greek Original:*perispasmo/s: e)k duoi=n e)pistrofw=n tou= ta/gmatos ki/nhsis, w(/ste metalamba/nein to\n o)pi/sw to/pon. e)kperispasmo\s de/ e)stin e)k triw=n e)pistrofw=n sunexw=n tou= ta/gmatos ki/nhsis, w(/ste metalamba/nein, e)a\n me\n e)pi\ do/ru gi/gnhtai, th\n e)c a)risterw=n e)pifa/neian: e)a\n de\ e)p' a)spi/da, th\n e)k deciw=n.
LSJ s.v. defines this headword as 'wheeling', but, as this entry shows, that is not quite precise enough. I have adopted 'half-turn' (together with 'quarter-turn' for
epistrophe [
epsilon 2644] and 'three-quarter turn' for
ekperispasmos) from W.A. Oldfather's glossary in the Loeb
Aeneas Tacticus, Asclepiodotus [and] Onasander; cf.
Asclepiodotus 10.1 and 7-8. Both manoeuvres of course belong on the parade-ground -- or indeed the classroom -- rather than the battlefield.
Keywords: definition; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 March 2010@09:04:04.
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