Suda On Line
Search results for pi,1290 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1290
Translated headword: to draw off from around, to draw away, to pull off, to peel off
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to deceive utterly. And to take away something by force.[1]
But [sc. note also]
perispa=| ["draws off"] in
Sophocles meaning having kept watch over them as they fall together to fall in, draws off outside them; that is, the charioteers.[2]
Polybius [writes]: "for the Romans an objective was to sail to Libya and draw the war away [to] there."[3]
Greek Original:*perispa=n: e)capata=n. kai\ to\ meta\ bi/as a)fairei=sqai/ ti. *perispa=| de\ para\ *sofoklei= a)nti\ tou= fulaca/menos au)toi=s sumpesou=sin e)mpesei=n, e)/cw a)p' au)tw=n perispa=|: toute/sti toi=s h(nio/xois. *polu/bios: h)=n de\ toi=s *(rwmai/ois pro/qesis e)s *libu/hn plei=n kai\ to\n po/lemon e)kei= perispa=n.
The headword (instanced in the final quotation given) is a contracted, epic, present active infinitive; see generally LSJ s.v.
perispa/w (
I draw off from around, strip off).
[1] The first glossing infinitive, from the verb
e)capata/w (
I deceive utterly), is the same form as the headword. The headword is identically glossed in
Lexicon pi758 Theodoridis.
[2] From a scholion (=
scholia vetera) to
Electra 732 (web address 1; cf.
delta 331), where the Athenian charioteer pulls back from a huge crash involving the racers (all except for Orestes, who was riding last at that moment); Jahn, p. 37. [In her critical apparatus Adler notes that Aemilius Portus pointed out that
Sophocles reads
*paraspa=| (
he draws forcibly aside), even though the Suda repeats the present headword in the quoted line at
delta 331; also that ms F transmits
he removes himself outside.]
Polybius 1.26.1 (web address 2), on the Roman strategy in 256 BCE prior to the Battle of Ecnomus (Eknomos, Barrington Atlas Map 47 grid D4), a hill near the town of Phintias (present-day Licata, Italy), on
Sicily's southern coast, during the First Punic War (264-241); Walbank, pp. 84-7. [Adler reports that ms V omitted
pro/qesis (
purpose, plan).]
P. Jahn, Quaestionum de scholiis Laurentianis in Sophoclem prima pars qua agitur de ratione quae inter Suidam et librum Laurentianum intercedit, dissertation, Berlin, 18 August 1884
F.W. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius, vol. I, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: athletics; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; tragedy
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 10 August 2011@01:37:41.
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