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Search results for pi,1281 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1281
Translated headword: hard, harsh, obstinate
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] hard, difficult.[1]
Ajax says: "long and innumerable time brings forth all invisible things and, when they have appeared, hides them. And nothing is beyond expectation, but the terrible oath and the stubborn mind are overcome. For I also, who then endured terrible things, as iron is tempered, have been softened in my speech by this woman."[2]
Greek Original:*periskele/s: sklhro/n, dusxere/s. *ai)/as fhsi/n: a(/panq' o( makro\s ka)nari/qmhtos xro/nos fu/ei t' a)/dhla kai\ fane/nta kru/ptetai: kou)k e)/st' a)/elpton ou)de/n, a)ll' a(li/sketai xw) deino\s o(/rkos kai\ periskelei=s fre/nes. ka)gw\ ga/r, o(\s ta\ dei/n' e)karte/roun to/te, bafh=| si/dhros w(/s, e)qhlu/nqhn sto/ma pro\s th=sde th=s gunaiko/s.
[1] Likewise in the
Synagoge and in
Lexicon pi752 Theodoridis, similarly in
Hesychius pi1854 and in a scholion to
Ajax 649; cf. next note. The headword is neuter nominative/accusative singular of the ambiguous adjective
periskelh/s: see generally LSJ s.v. A (from the verb
ske/llw "dry up") and B (from the noun
ske/los "leg", cf.
pi 1282). The present glossing ought to indicate that this instance falls under A, though
Hesychius (above) adds 'or as far as the feet', which looks like a comment on the
periskele/s garment in
Leviticus 6.3
LXX. Either way, it must be quoted from somewhere (other than the quotation given, which has the masculine nominative plural); extant possibilities for A include Marcus Aurelius,
Meditations 4.28.1.
Ajax 646-652 (web address 1); quoted already in part at
alpha 550,
alpha 2046, and
epsilon 323.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 24 November 2011@00:56:57.
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