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Adler number: pi,1225
Translated headword: superfluity
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
*periousi/a is] superfluous substance, but
ou)si/a [is] substance [which is] in right measure [or: in due proportion].
“Superfluous” is different from “necessary”. Now, necessary are those things without which it is impossible to exist;[1] by contrast, superfluous are those things whose presence is not necessary and, as
Aristotle says,[2] [there is superfluity] when, the necessary things [for life] existing, [one] provides [for himself] some [other] things of value. For example, life is something necessary, but good life is superfluous.[3] For by the presence of “good”, which is not necessary for existence, the necessary life is adorned.
Greek Original:*periousi/a: h( peritth\ ou)si/a, ou)si/a de\ h( su/mmetros. e)k periousi/as de\ tou= a)nagkai/ou diafe/rei. a)nagkai=a me\n ou)=n e)stin, w(=n xwri\s a)du/naton ei)=nai, e)k periousi/as de/, w(=n h( parousi/a ou)k ou)=sa a)nagkai/a, kai/, w(s *)aristote/lhs le/gei, o(/tan u(parxo/ntwn tw=n a)nagkai/wn, a)/lla tina\ proskataskeua/zhtai tw=n kalw=n. oi(=on, to\ me\n zh=n a)nag- kai=on, e)k periousi/as de\ to\ eu)= zh=n: th=| ga\r tou= eu)= parousi/a|, ou)k ou)/sh| pro\s to\ ei)=nai a)nagkai/a|, e)pikosmei=tai to\ zh=n a)nagkai=on o)/n.
This entry reproduces, almost literally, the first part of
epsilon 563; cf. Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 257.21-27. For the headword, see also
pi 1226.
[1] For
Aristotle’s technical sense of “necessary” (
a)nagkai=on), see
Metaphysics 5.5.
Topics 118a12-13.
Topics 118a7-8.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 9 July 2003@14:52:30.
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