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Search results for pi,1214 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1214
Translated headword: recurrence
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in [the]
Philippics [sc. uses the word].[1] Recurrent diseases are what doctors call those which remit and return again in a set manner, every fourth day and suchlike. For sufferers from these seem to have no illness on the days of the remissions, but to be in good health.
Greek Original:*peri/odos: *dhmosqe/nhs *filippikoi=s. periodika\ nosh/mata kalou=sin oi( i)atroi\ ta\ tetagme/nws a)nie/mena kai\ au)=qis e)pigino/mena, oi(=on tritai/ous, tetartai/ous kai\ ta\ o(/moia. kai\ ga\r e)pi\ tou/twn oi( ka/mnontes dokou=sin e)n tai=s tw=n a)ne/sewn h(me/rais mhde\ nosei=n, a)ll' u(giei=s ei)=nai.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v.
Demosthenes 9.29 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 December 2000@07:17:42.
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