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Search results for pi,1187 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1187
Translated headword: outline
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Some part of a plan. "He was leading the way, having made a good guess at the consequence and at the outline of the mission."[1]
Greek Original:*perikoph/: me/ros ti th=s u(poqe/sews. o( de\ proh=ge, poih/sas eu)/stolon th\n a)kolouqi/an kai\ th\n perikoph\n th=s e)kdhmi/as.
The headword -- illustrated by the quotation given, where it appears in the accusative singular -- is a feminine noun in the nominative (and vocative) singular; see generally LSJ s.v. Although its literal meaning is
a cutting all round or
a mutilation, in
Polybius it connotes the
outline, general form or the
effects, appointments of a person or thing; for the latter sense, see also
pi 1186.
[In her critical apparatus Adler notes that the entry was omitted by ms A but added in the margin there by a later hand.]
Polybius fr. 199 (Büttner-Wobst), already in part at
epsilon 3752. Büttner-Wobst (p. 540) notes that, following Bekker, the attribution of this unplaced fragment to
Polybius is often rejected. [Adler reports that the fragment is lacking in ms F.]
T. Büttner-Wobst, ed., Polybii Historiae, vol. IV, Teubner: Leipzig, 1904
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; imagery
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 18 May 2011@23:45:09.
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