*periko/myous: *)aristofa/nhs: pau=son h(mw=n ta\s u(ponoi/as ta\s periko/myous, ai(=s stwmullo/meq' ei)s a)llh/lous. kai\ suggnw/mh| tini\ praote/ra| ke/rason to\n nou=n. stwmullo/meqa, a)nti\ tou= fluarou=men.
The unglossed headword, evidently extracted from the quotation given, is a two-ending adjective,
peri/komyos, in the masculine and feminine accusative plural; see generally LSJ s.v. It is attested only here.
Peace 993-8 (web address 1), here abridged: Trygaeus, addressing Peace, has an optimistic moment prior to the sacrifice for her; cf.
sigma 1154. [In her critical apparatus Adler notes that ms F omitted this text as well as the following repeated verb form.]
[2] From the
scholia to line 995 of this Aristophanic passage; again at
sigma 1154. The verb form picked out for comment is the present indicative middle/passive, first person plural, of
I chatter, am talkative; see generally LSJ s.v. The glossing verb, with a more disparaging sense, is the present indicative active, first person plural, of the contract verb
I talk nonsense, babble, play the fool; see generally LSJ s.v. [Adler notes that ms A omitted this note and that ms F transmits
meaning [sc. we speak] foolish things.]
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