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Headword: *periklh=s
Adler number: pi,1181
Translated headword: Perikles, Pericles
Vetting Status: high
This man advises the Athenians: "when they consider the enemy's land their own, and their own land as that of the enemy; and when they consider their fleet as their resource, and their other resources destitution".[1] This man bade the Athenians, when the Lacedaimonians had invaded Attica, not to march out but to remain inside the walls; [he said] they should attack Laconia with the fleet. So [he bade them] consider passage by land difficult, but passage by sea favorable. In other words: [Aristophanes] is referring to the opinion of Perikles, that the Athenians should consider Attica enemy territory and allow it to be laid waste, while making a voyage round Laconia. He advised them to sail around the enemy's territory, but not to fight a battle while Attica was being ravaged.[2] [He also advised them] to regard as [the] one means of obtaining money having as many ships as possible; but the other means -- anything which might arise beyond this -- to consider unavailable, such as the theoric payments and jurors' payments and assembly payments.[3] So his recommendation is that they allocate all expense entailed in these areas to the warships. For with regard to this idea there was also the following added: for Dionysos[4] says "but the juror alone drinks this down", because much money was being spent on jury pay.
Greek Original:
*periklh=s: ou(=tos sumbouleu/etai *)aqhnai/ois, th\n gh=n o(/tan nomi/swsi th\n tw=n polemi/wn ei)=nai sfete/ran, th\n de\ sfete/ran tw=n polemi/wn: po/ron de\ ta\s nau=s, a)pori/an de\ to\n po/ron. ou(=tos e)ke/leusen *)aqhnai/ois, e)mbalo/ntwn me\n *lakedaimoni/wn ei)s th\n *)attikh/n, mh\ e)pecie/nai, a)ll' e)/sw tei/xous me/nein: au)tou\s de\ dia\ tw=n ploi/wn e)pie/nai th=| *lakwnikh=|. to\n ou)=n kata\ gh=n po/ron a)pori/an h(gei=sqai, to\ de\ dia\ qala/tths, tou=to h(gei=sqai po/ron. a)/llws: th\n *perikle/ous le/gei gnw/mhn, th\n *)attikh\n w(s polemi/an h(gei=sqai kai\ e)a=n te/mnesqai, th\n de\ *lakwnikh\n peripleu=sai. sunebou/leuse de\ periplei=n th\n polemi/an, mh\ ma/xesqai de/, temnome/nhs th=s *)attikh=s. e(/na po/ron h(gei=sqai xrhma/twn, to\ nau=s w(s plei/stas e)/xein: to\n de\ a)/llon po/ron, o(\s a)\n e)/cw tou/tou gi/nhtai, tou=ton a)/poron nomi/zein, oi(=on ta\ qewrika\ kai\ dikastika\ kai\ e)kklhsiastika/. sumbouleu/ei ou)=n pa=san th\n e)n tou/tois ginome/nhn dapa/nhn tai=s nausi\n a)fori/sai. pro\s tau/thn ga\r th\n e)/nnoian kai\ to\ e)pifero/menon a)ko/louqon: fhsi\ ga\r o( *dio/nusos: plh/n ge o( dikasth\s au)ta\ katapi/nei mo/nos. w(s pollw=n dapanwme/nwn ei)s to\n dikastiko\n misqo/n.
OCD4 Pericles(1). See again tau 515; cf. pi 1178, pi 1179, pi 1180.
[1] Aristophanes, Frogs 1463-1465 (web address 1), with material from the scholia there.
[2] cf. Thucydides 1.143.4-5, 2.13.2 (web address 2).
[3] For Pericles' introduction of payment to jurors (dikasts) see chiefly the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia (27.3). Pay for attendance at meetings of the assembly, however, was not instituted until the 390s, long after his death; see the note at epsilon 471. As to the theorika (theta 218, theta 219, theta 220), "theater monies", orthodoxy holds that they too were introduced in the C4, either the 390s or the 350s, though some scholars do accept Periclean origins. For evidence and arguments see, most recently, D.K. Roselli, 'Theorika in fifth-century Athens', GRBS 49 (2009) 5-30.
[4] That is, the character of Dionysos at Aristophanes, Frogs 1466.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; economics; geography; history; law; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 12 August 1999@19:19:52.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added headword, note, bibliography, keywords; cosmetics) on 22 January 2001@06:19:05.
David Whitehead on 22 January 2001@06:20:06.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, cross-references) on 18 May 2004@02:18:19.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 9 October 2005@06:24:15.
Catharine Roth (minor tweak, links) on 14 May 2008@10:38:55.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 23 July 2012@01:03:10.
David Whitehead (modified and expanded n.3) on 23 July 2012@03:35:12.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 25 September 2013@07:42:25.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@04:57:42.
David Whitehead (coding etc.) on 22 May 2016@10:11:28.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 1 August 2021@21:25:08.


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