[Meaning] leaping, (?)filling up.
*pallo/menon: a(llo/menon, plhrou/menon.
Similar entry in other lexica: see the references at
Photius pi106 Theodoridis, where the editor notes that the second glossing participle, transmitted in the Suda and elsewhere as
plhrou/menon, should be
klhrou/menon "drawing lots".
Hesychius has the entry
pallome/nwn glossed with
klhroume/nwn; that genitive plural is extracted from
Iliad 15.191, where Poseidon recalls that when he and his brothers Zeus and Hades drew lots for domains, the sea fell to him (web address 1). See generally LSJ s.v.
pa/llw, I.3. The present entry is thus more likely to have been generated by that passage than by (e.g.) the instance of
pallo/menon in
Halieutica 1.72.
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