[Used] with an accusative. [Meaning he/she/it] is standing around, has wrapped around.[1]
"And the whole complement of the fraternity having stood around him."[2] "And the godly Sabas having cut through that crowd that stood around the patriarch
*perie/sthken: ai)tiatikh=|. perii/+statai, perie/straptai. kai\ perista/ntes au)to\n pa=n to\ th=s a)delfo/thtos plh/rwma. kai\ to\ periesthko\s e)kei=no plh=qos to\n patria/rxhn *)hli/an diatemw\n o( qei=os *sa/bas.
[1] =
Photius pi680 Theodoridis, with the addition of this syntactical information. The headword is perfect indicative active, third person singular, of
perii/sthmi. It must be extracted from somewhere (but not from the quotations given, where one finds, respectively, the aorist active participle and the perfect active participle of the same verb); there are numerous possibilities.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable. (Not, apparently, from Cyril's
Life of St. Sabas.)
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