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Search results for pi,1100 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1100
Translated headword: whirling around
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they] turning around. "The Babylonians, putting eggs into slings and whirling them around in a circle -- being not inexperienced with makeshift and huntsmanlike ways, but rather well practiced in desert devices -- used to render the egg cooked by the motion even [if it was] raw [sc. to start with]."[1]
Greek Original:*peridinou=ntes: peristre/fontes. oi( de\ *babulw/nioi e)ntiqe/ntes ei)s sfendo/nas w)|a\ kai\ peridinou=ntes e)n ku/klw|, a(/te ou)k a)/peiroi tw=n au)tosxedi/wn kai\ kunhgetikw=n diaithma/twn, a)lla\ memelethko/tes ta\ e)n e)rhmi/a| mhxanh/mata, e(fqo\n kai\ w)mo\n th=| r(u/mh| to\ w)|o\n kateskeu/azon.
Babylonica fr. 100 Habrich. Habrich suggests deleting the words "and raw"; but if the phrase is interpreted as suggested here, the deletion seems unnecessary. The headword -- present active participle, nominative plural masculine, of
peridine/w (cf.
pi 1099) -- is otherwise unattested.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; food; geography; historiography; history; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 29 September 2011@13:37:36.
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