[Meaning] to be eaten up.
*peridarda/ptesqai: katesqi/esqai.
Hesychius pi1607 (cf. pi1608 for the active voice),
Photius pi653 (where Theodoridis follows Naber in rejecting Porson's conjecture, for the glossing infinitive, of the doubly compound
The headword, present middle/passive infinitive of
peridarda/ptw, is otherwise unattested.
darda/ptein, which has both literal and figurative applications, occurs in
Homer and
David Whitehead (augmented note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 29 September 2011@07:15:29.
David Whitehead (expanded and tweaked note; cosmetics) on 24 September 2013@07:32:30.
William Hutton (typos) on 24 September 2013@08:53:32.
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