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Search results for pi,1084 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1084
Translated headword: amplification
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a type of cleverness of speech.
"They say that the Greeks are braggarts, praising their own things in poetry and prose and other pomp and amplification of words."[1]
Also [sc. attested is] peribolh/ [in the sense of] wealth.[2]
They are called 'gergethes' by those in amplification, both the throng and the craftsmen.[3]
Greek Original:*peribolh/: ei)=dos lo/gou deino/thtos. a)lazo/nas fasi\n ei)=nai tou\s *(/ellhnas, ta\ oi)kei=a ai)/rontas dia/ te e)pigramma/twn kai\ suggrafh=s kai\ th=s a)/llhs tw=n lo/gwn pompei/as te kai\ peribolh=s. kai\ *peribolh/, o( plou=tos. kalou=ntai de\ u(po\ tw=n e)n peribalh=| ge/rghqes, h(/ te tu/rbh kai\ oi( xeirw/naktes.
For this multi-meaning feminine noun see LSJ s.v. The entry begins with sense III.3 there.
[1] Quotation unidentifiable as a passage of Greek, though Adler notes Bernhardy's suggested connection with Aulus
Attic Nights 3.7.19 (Cato).
[2] Not recognised in LSJ s.v.; and cf. next note.
[3] Garbled material (among other problems, here the headword is misspelled
peribalh/) from
gamma 189; cf.
tau 1192.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; poetry; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 25 September 2011@12:56:51.
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