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Search results for pi,1083 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1083
Translated headword: covering
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] drapery, a garment.[1]
The Holy Scripture calls the wet substance [an] abyss. So since the earth is surrounded on all sides by waters, by great and small seas,
David has reasonably called [them] its covering.[2]
Greek Original:*peribo/laion: peribolh/, e)/nduma. a)/busson kalei= th\n u(gra\n ou)si/an h( qei/a grafh/. e)pei\ ou)=n h( gh= pantaxo/qen u(/dasi perie/xetai, mega/lois kai\ mikroi=s pela/gesin, ei)ko/tws peribo/laion au)th=s ei)/rhken o( *dabi/d.
Keywords: Christianity; clothing; definition; geography; imagery; religion
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 4 July 2003@08:03:39.
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