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Headword: *peri/andros
Adler number: pi,1067
Translated headword: Periandros, Periander
Vetting Status: high
Son of Kypselos, of Corinth, [one] of the Seven Sages, born in the 38th Olympiad.[1] He wrote Advice for Human Life in 2,000 verses. This is the Periander who died because of personal grief, as his epitaph also testifies, containing the following: "Never grieve yourself if you do not succeed at something, but delight in all things equally, whatever a god gives." For the wise Periander became depressed and died because he did not obtain the outcome that he wanted.
Greek Original:
*peri/andros, *kuye/lou, *kori/nqios, tw=n z# sofw=n, gegonw\s kata\ th\n lh# o)lumpia/da. e)/grayen u(poqh/kas ei)s to\n a)nqrw/peion bi/on e)/ph #22b#. ou(=to/s e)sti *peri/andros o( dia\ lu/phn i)di/an a)poqanw/n: w(s kai\ to\ e)p' au)tw=| e)pi/gramma marturei=, ou(/tws e)/xon: mh/pote luph/sh| se to\ mh/ se tuxei=n tinos, a)lla\ te/rpeo pa=sin o(mw=s, oi(=si di/dwsi qeo/s. kai\ ga\r a)qumh/sas o( sofo\s *peri/andros a)pe/sbh, ou(/neken ou)k e)/tuxe prh/cios, h(=s e)/qelen.
For this person see also pi 1068 and the notes there.
[1] 628-625.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; history; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: Susan Shapiro on 9 July 1999@14:35:46.
Vetted by:
Eric Nelson on 27 December 1999@23:32:08.
David Whitehead (augmented headword; modified and augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 31 March 2001@03:45:32.
David Whitehead (more keywords; raised status) on 15 July 2011@05:47:17.


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