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Adler number: pi,1040
Translated headword: Perdikkas, Perdiccas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It declines Perdikkou [in the genitive]. The Macedonian; [it was he] whom the Macedonians plotted against and killed.[1] He was a man who acquired great military power and became exceptionally haughty; hence also, of course, his monstrous confidence in his intellect brought him into every kind of danger, and his excessive boasting, with which he appeared to be despising all Macedonians, used to create jealousy-inducing successes. And besides jealousy there arose hatred against him, and the feeling that his domination over them, both in reality and in title, was intolerable. Thus they turned the reversals of fortune, in anger about their former suspicions rather than in an evaluation of truest judgement, into the plot against him.
Greek Original:*perdi/kkas, kai\ kli/netai *perdi/kkou. o( *makedw/n: o(\n e)/kteinan e)c e)piboulh=s oi( *makedo/nes, a)/ndra ta/ te pole/mia kra/tiston geno/menon kai\ megalonoi/a| xrhsa/menon diafero/ntws: e)c ou(= dh\ kai\ to\ u(pe/rogkon au)tw=| tou= fronh/matos eu)qarse\s pro\s pa/nta ki/ndunon h)=n, to/ te a)/gan megalh/goron, su\n w(=| pa/ntas *makedo/nas u(perfronei=n e)/doce, ta/s te eu)pragi/as au)tw=| fqo/nou e)paci/as e)poi/ei: e)pi\ de\ tw=| fqo/nw| mi=sos e)pegi/neto, kai\ to\ mh\ fe/rein u(pe\r sfa=s o)/nta te kai\ o)nomazo/menon. o(/qen kai\ th\n e)n toi=s ptai/smasi metabolh\n su\n o)rgh=| th=s pro/sqen u(poyi/as ma=llon h)\ kri/sews a)lhqesta/ths dikaiw/sei e)s to\ kat' au)tou= e)pibou/leuma e)poiou=nto.
After the initial grammatical gloss, this material is Arrian,
Events after Alexander fr. 27 (= FGrH 156 F180, but regarded there as of dubious attribution; and Koehler assigned it to
Dexippus). See generally Brian Bosworth in OCD4 s.v. Perdiccas(3). (Nos.1-2 there are earlier
kings of Macedon.); brief biography by Jona Lendering at web address 1.
[1] In Egypt, in 321 BCE. He was a victim of the power-struggles which followed the premature death of Alexander the Great (
alpha 1121), two years earlier; too much power incurred the hostility of his many rivals.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 January 2007@05:42:40.
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