Adverb. Meaning additionally.
"But further, [them] resisting to bind together."[1]
And elsewhere: "[they] subjecting them to tribute further than their power."[2]
And elsewhere: "with them not being able to bear further because of violence and savagery."[3]
And elsewhere: "[things] more unspeakable than the unspeakable and further than evils."[4]
And elsewhere: "describing the crime of Iotomes they put an end to his further indecision."[5]
Aristophanes [writes]: "do you know that if Zeus harasses me further I will reduce his palace and the houses of Amphion to cinders?"[6]
And elsewhere: "but he refrained from leading further against
Seleukeia."[7] Meaning frequently.
*pe/ra: e)pi/rrhma. a)nti\ tou= perisso/teron. to\ pe/ra de\ a)ntitei/nontas cundei=n. kai\ au)=qis: dasmologou=ntes au)tou\s th=s duna/mews pe/ra. kai\ au)=qis: ou) duname/nwn de\ to\ pe/ra fe/rein di' u(/brin te kai\ w)mo/thta. kai\ au)=qis: a)rrh/twn a)rrhto/tera kai\ kakw=n pe/ra. kai\ au)=qis: ei)po/ntes de\ tou= *)iwto/mou to\ to/lmhma e)/pausan au)to\n to\ pe/ra a)mfignoou=nta. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: a)r' oi)=sq', o(/ti *zeu\s ei)/ me luph/sei pe/ra, me/laqra me\n au)tou= kai\ do/mous *)amfi/onos kataiqalw/sw; kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ tou= e)pi\ *seleu/keian to\ pe/ra a)/gein a)pe/sxeto. a)nti\ tou= pleona/kis.
[1] Arrian FGrH 156 F123 (=
Parthica fr. 89 Roos;
alpha 2149).
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
[4] Julian,
In Reply to Heraclius the Cynic on How One Should Be a Cynic and on Whether It Is Proper for Cynics to Make Up Myths 6; cf.
alpha 3860.
[5] Quotation unidentifiable. (Adler suggests
Aelian.) Presumably the same Iotomes mentioned in
alpha 2877,
iota 510 and
pi 2770.
Birds 1246-48.
[7] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 102 Roos; cf.
pi 2771.
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