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Search results for phi,94 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,94
Translated headword: Pharisees
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Those whose name is interpreted as "separated"[1] because they divide and separate themselves from all others both in the utmost purity and strictness of their life and in [their observance of] the commandments of the Law. The scribes also followed the same way of life: they practiced the same life-style, continence and virginity, fasting twice a week, purification of pitchers and plates and drinking-cups, tithes and first-fruits and prayers and the like. [They followed the strictest way of life] with the exception of the marvelous Essenes who were greater by far and very much superior.[2] Paul, of course, zealously practiced the Pharisaic life-style and boasted of it, saying 'I am an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, a Pharisee according to the Law'.[3]
Greek Original:*farisai=oi: oi( e(rmhneuo/menoi a)fwrisme/noi para\ to\ meri/zein kai\ a)fori/zein e(autou\s tw=n a)/llwn a(pa/ntwn ei)/s te to\n kaqarw/taton tou= bi/ou kai\ a)kribe/staton kai\ ei)s ta\ tou= no/mou e)nta/lmata. to\n de\ au)to\n bi/on meth/rxonto kai\ oi( grammatei=s, par' oi(=s kai\ politei/a h( au)th\ e)gkra/teia/ te kai\ parqeni/a, nhstei/a di\s tou= sabba/tou, cestw=n kai\ pina/kwn kai\ pothri/wn kaqarismoi\ a)podekatw/seis te kai\ a)parxai\ kai\ e)ndelexei=s eu)xai\ kai\ ta\ loipa/, u(pecairoume/nwn dhlono/ti tw=n qaumasi/wn *)essai/wn w(s u(perte/rwn sfo/dra kai\ li/an u(perkeime/nwn. h(\n dh\ *farisai+kh\n w(s a)/riston politei/an o( *pau=los zhlw/sas eu)= ma/la semnu/netai, fa/skwn, *)israhli/ths ei)mi\ fulh=s *beniami/n, *(ebrai=os e)c *(ebrai/wn, kata\ to\n no/mon *farisai=os.
George the Monk,
Chronicon 336.9 - 337.3.
The Pharisees specialized in interpretation of the Law: Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1. See also
phi 95.
[1] Hebrew פרושים
perushim, lit. "separatists."
[2] On the Essenes see
epsilon 3123; on the Sadducees,
sigma 27.
Philippians 3:5.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; gender and sexuality; history; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 November 2001@19:57:14.
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