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Adler number: phi,863
Translated headword: nature
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Nature is the movement without qualification of existent things. It [has] five modes.
(1) The intelligent [nature], such as exists in the Angels whose very thoughts associate with each other.
(2) The rational [nature], such as [exists] in human beings, that makes public to external [people] the invisible motions of the soul through names and words.
(3) The perceptual [nature] is the one observed in irrational beings: for they have acquired the perceptual [power], in addition to the nutritive, the growing, and the generative power.
(4) The vegetative [nature] is the one [existing] in plants: for [plants] also move themselves according to the nutritive, the growing, and the generative power.
(5) However, [there is an] inanimate [nature], as in the case of stones, insofar as they also are moved according to quality and to place: according to quality when they are heated and made cold; according to place by transposition from a place to [another] place, [being] moved by external forces.
Greek Original:*fu/sis: fu/sis e)sti\n h( a(plw=s tw=n o)/ntwn ki/nhsis, penta/tropos de\ au(/th: h( noera/, w(s e)pi\ *)agge/lwn, e)c au)tw=n tw=n nohma/twn a)llh/- lois sugginome/nwn. logikh/, w(s e)pi\ a)nqrw/pwn di' o)noma/twn kai\ r(hma/twn ta\ a)fanh= th=s yuxh=s kinh/mata pro\s tou\s e)kto\s dhmosieu/ousa: ai)sqhtikh\ de\ h( e)n toi=s a)lo/gois qewroume/nh: pro\s ga\r th=| qreptikh=| kai\ au)chtikh=| kai\ gennhtikh=| duna/mei kai\ th\n ai)sqhtikh\n ke/kthtai: futikh\ de\ h( e)n toi=s futoi=s: kinou=ntai ga\r kai\ au)ta\ kata\ th\n qreptikh\n kai\ au)chtikh\n kai\ gennhtikh\n du/namin: a)/yuxos de/, w(s e)pi\ tw=n li/qwn, kaqo/ti kai\ au)toi\ kinou=ntai kata\ to\ poio\n kai\ kata\ to\ pou=: kai\ kata\ to\ poio\n me/n, kata\ to\ qermai/nesqai kai\ yu/xesqai, kata\ to\ pou= de/, kata\ th\n e)k to/pou ei)s to/pon e(teroki/nhton meta/qesin.
On the nature of man (Cramer,
Anecdota Graeca v. 3, 153-4)
See also
phi 858,
phi 864.
Keywords: botany; definition; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 8 December 2003@15:37:31.
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