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Headword: *foini/kwn e)gke/faloi
Adler number: phi,796
Translated headword: hearts of date-palms
Vetting Status: high
Poros, king of the Indians, says: "my foodstuff are vegetables and the hearts of date-palms [phoinika] and the fruit of date-palms, and whatever crops the river irrigates".[1]
Also [sc. attested is the proverbial phrase][2] "Phoenicians' contracts". When the Phoenicians who founded Carthage landed in Libya, they begged the natives to receive them for a night and a day; but when they had achieved this they were not willing to leave, on the basis that they were making an agreement to stay 'nights and days'. Hence this is what is said of those making an agreement by stealth. Demon has a similar story to tell of the men of Metapontum.[3]
Greek Original:
*foini/kwn e)gke/faloi: *pw=ro/s fhsin, *)indw=n basileu/s: ta\ de\ e)ma\ siti/a la/xana kai\ foini/kwn e)gke/faloi kai\ karpo\s tw=n foini/kwn, kai\ o(po/sa moi potamo\s khpeu/ei. kai\ *foini/kwn sunqh=kai: oi( th\n *karxhdo/na kti/santes *foi/nikes, o(/te prose/pleusan th=| *libu/h|, e)deh/qhsan tw=n e)gxwri/wn de/casqai au)tou\s nu/kta kai\ h(me/ran: e)pituxo/ntes de\ tou/tou ou)k e)bou/lonto a)palla/ssesqai, w(s suntiqe/menoi nu/ktas kai\ h(me/ras me/nein. dio\ le/gesqai tou=to e)pi\ tw=n e)nedreutikw=s suntiqeme/nwn. ta\ d' o(/moia *dh/mwn e)pi\ *metaponti/nwn i(storei=.
[1] Apollonius, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 2.26; cf. pi 2180.
[2] cf. Apostolius 17.87 and other paroemiographers.
[3] A Greek colony in the instep of Italy (mu 725). 'Demon' = FGrH 327 F15. For another instance of the deviousness of the founders of Carthage see n. 1 under alpha 4648.
Keywords: biography; botany; daily life; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 March 2006@07:19:50.
Vetted by:
Antonella Ippolito (set status, cosmetics) on 10 March 2006@12:10:11.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 10 March 2006@13:31:23.
David Whitehead (augmented n.3) on 13 March 2006@05:13:25.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 23 January 2008@09:42:03.
David Whitehead on 18 December 2013@07:13:59.


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