Suda On Line
Search results for phi,788 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,788
Translated headword: purple garment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[Tell me] why do we spare the stones, the townsmen,[1] and refrain from carding this man into a purple garment?" -- "Once more what a wonderbrand[2] is inflaming you!" Instead of 'refrain from bloodying him with stones, so as to make his body purple'. And 'to card' is used as in the case of woolens. For this reason he also said "purple garment", as he would in the case of a cloak.
Aristotle says that the Lakedaimonians use a purple garment in wars.[3] For one thing because [it enhances?] the manliness of the skin and for another the bloodiness of the color teaches them not to be disturbed by the shedding of blood. Hence 'in the purple garment' instead of 'in the formation' of combatants, they would probably be conspicuous because of what they wear. Since 'to be purpled' is 'to be bloodied'. Also "cards [her] many across the back."
Demosthenes [writes this].[4] The "wonderbrand"[5] [is] that which is thoroughly burnt, and the Acharnians [are] charcoal-burners.
Josephus [writes]: "depositing your possessions and all your family members in the lodging, confined you, stretching purple garments in front of the doors."[6]
Greek Original:*foiniki/da: ti/ feido/mesqa tw=n li/qwn, oi( dhmo/tai, mh\ ou) katacai/nein to\n a)/ndra tou=ton e)s foiniki/da; oi(=os au)= me/las tis u(mi=n qauma/lwy e)pe/zesen. a)nti\ tou= mh\ ou)xi\ li/qois au)to\n ai(ma/ssein, w(s foinikou=n au)tou= poih=sai to\ sw=ma; to\ de\ katacai/nein w(s e)pi\ e)ri/wn e)xrh/sato: dio\ kai\ foiniki/da ei)=pen, w(s e)pi\ i(mati/ou. *)aristote/lhs de/ fhsi xrh=sqai tou\s *lakedaimoni/ous foiniki/di pro\s tou\s pole/mous: tou=to me\n o(/ti to\ th=s xro/as a)ndriko/n, tou=to de\ o(/ti to\ tou= xrw/matos ai(matw=des th=s tou= ai(/matos r(eu/sews e)qi/zei katafronei=n. to\ ou)=n e)n foiniki/di a)nti\ tou= e)n ta/cei polemi/wn, a)po\ tou= forh/matos dhlw/seien a)\n ei)ko/tws. e)pei\ to\ foinixqh=nai, ai(maxqh=nai. kai/, cai/nei kata\ nw/tou polla/s. *dhmosqe/nhs. qauma/lwy de\ o( diakekaume/nos. a)nqrakei=s de\ oi( *)axarnei=s. kai\ *)iw/shpos: kth=si/n te th\n sh\n kai\ tou\s oi)kei/ous a(/pantas ei)s to\ katagw/gion a)poqeme/nhn e)gkaqei=rcai, pro\ tw=n qurw=n a)natei/nasan foiniki/das.
The headword is in the accusative case, from the first line of the quotation which follows (an exchange of dialogue between the Chorus and Dikaiopolis in
Acharnians 320-1: web address 1), and the main body of the entry comes from the
scholia there; cf.
theta 546,
kappa 682.
[1] The Suda has the nominative
oi( dhmotai/, where
Aristophanes almost certainly wrote the vocative
w)= dhmotai/.
[2] The translation "wonderbrand" is an attempt to render the Suda's
qauma/lwy, which stands in place of
quma/lwy ("firebrand"), the probable original reading. See also
theta 69.
Aristotle fr. 542 Rose. Cf.
phi 791.
Demosthenes 19.197 (web address 2).
[5] See n. 2 above.
Jewish Antiquities 5.13.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: clothing; comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; imagery; law; military affairs; philosophy; politics; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 September 2006@21:47:03.
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