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Search results for phi,784 in Adler number:
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Headword: *foinikeli/ths
Adler number: phi,784
Translated headword: purple-twisting
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] one who is deceitful.
Greek Original:
*foinikeli/ths: o( a)pathlo/s.
Probably to be identified with the notice in Theognostus 138, foinikelh/kths: o( a)pathlo/s. Both foinikeli/ths and foinikelh/kths are unattested outside lexicography and indecipherable morphologically, and are probably independent corruptions of foinikeli/kths, the accusative singular form of which appears in Hesychius phi687: foinikeli/kthn lo/gwn a)la/zona: a)pathlo\n kai\ kaphlo/n ("'purple-twisting braggart in words': deceitful and a huckster"). The first three words of this entry form an iambic trimeter with an initial syllable missing, and have been listed as an unattributable fragment of either comedy (fr. 438 Kassel-Austin (1293 Kock)) or tragedy (fr. 271 Nauck and Kannicht-Snell). The translation of the headword offered here is conjectural. The second element, -elikths appears to be a deverbative derivative of e)li/ssw ('twist'). The first element may relate to any of the many connotations of the word foi=nic, which include 'purple', 'Phoenician' (the Phoenicians had a reputation among the Greeks for outlawry and dishonesty; cf. alpha 4648, phi 796), and 'date palm'.
Similar entry in Zonaras 1816, and Adler also cites Lexicon Ambrosianum 396.
Keywords: agriculture; botany; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; geography; imagery; meter and music; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 7 February 2014@20:12:50.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (tweaked note) on 7 February 2014@20:55:28.
William Hutton on 7 February 2014@20:56:04.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule, status) on 7 February 2014@22:24:07.
William Hutton (added cross-references, typo) on 8 February 2014@12:33:24.
David Whitehead (cosmetics; raised status) on 9 February 2014@03:57:40.
William Hutton (Tweaked note, corrected typo) on 2 April 2023@21:46:47.
William Hutton (clarified metrical description) on 3 April 2023@13:46:13.


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