He says this when he put down kindling for lighting a fire as the seers [do]. For also for themselves they place kindling for their own knowledge. This is why he says, "[Do] I [not] seem to place kindling well for you[?]."
*fru/ganon ti/qesqai: tou=to/ fhsin, e)pei\ u(pe/bale fru/gana pro\s to\ a)na/yai w(s oi( ma/nteis. kai\ ga\r e(autoi=s ta\ fru/gana tiqe/asi pro\s th\n e)pisth/mhn e(autw=n. dia\ tou=to/ fhsin, eu)= soi dokw= fru/gana ti/qesqai.
An approximation -- see below -- of
Peace 1026, with comments very similar to ones found in the
scholia thereto. One scholion offers
kata\ th\n e)pisth/mhn th\n e(autw=n ("in accordance with their own knowledge/professional skill") where the Suda has
pro\s th\n e)pisth/mhn e(autw=n ("for their own knowledge").
The present headword phrase contains the singular form of the neuter noun for kindling;
Aristophanes (and, Adler reports, Suda ms F) has it in the plural. Also, the Suda's "well", in the concluding quotation of Trygaeus' question, is "in a seerly manner" (
mantikw=s) in the original.
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