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Search results for phi,744 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,744
Translated headword: garrison-troops, guards, sentries
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "There is [= was] a unit stationed in relays, with their arms, in front of the camp; and a dreadful Roman custom in relation to it [laid down] that he who deserted his post, for any reason whatsoever, should die; so these men stood firm, choosing death with honour over death as a punishment."
Greek Original:*frouroi/: ta/cis e)sti\n e)k diadoxh=s i(stame/nh pro\ tou= stratope/dou meta\ tw=n o(/plwn: kai\ deino\s e)p' au)th\n *(rwmai/wn no/mos, to\n u(poxwrh/santa kaq' h(ndhpotou=n ai)ti/an qnh/skein. oi( de\ tou= meta\ kola/sews to\n met' a)reth=s qa/naton prokri/nantes i(/stantai.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 November 2013@09:17:36.
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