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Adler number: phi,742
Translated headword: you will serve in the Naupaktos garrison
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Given that those garrisoning
Naupaktos received low pay yet had to buy high-priced necessities, the proverb [is said] to have arisen.[1] Others, though, [maintain] that after Philip had taken
Naupaktos he killed all its garrison-troops, on a resolution of the Achaeans.
Theopompus in his second [book] also tells this story.[2]
Greek Original:*frourh/seis e)n *naupa/ktw|: toi=s *nau/pakton frourou=sin o)li/gou misqou= didome/nou, tw=n d' e)pithdei/wn pollou= pipraskome/nwn, th\n paroimi/an gene/sqai. e)/nioi de/, o(/ti *fi/lippos e(lw\n *nau/pakton *)axaiw=n gnw/mh| tou\s frourou\s au)th=s a)pe/kteine pa/ntas. i(storei= de\ tou=to kai\ *qeo/pompos e)n deute/rw|.
Naupaktos lies at the mouth of the Corinthian Gulf, on its northern side; see
nu 66. In the 450s BCE the Athenians garrisoned it with refugee Messenian helots, and that state of affairs, lasting for half a century, is presumably the context invoked here.
Theopompus FGrH 115 F235; cf.
Zenobius 6.33. See
Demosthenes 9.34 (web address 1), with N.G.L. Hammond and G.T. Griffith,
A History of Macedonia, ii (Oxford 1979) 509.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; economics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 November 2001@05:55:51.
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