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Search results for phi,741 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,741
Translated headword: to garrison or to be rich
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those aiming for profit. For when imposing garrisons on the islanders[1] [the] Athenians assigned high wages for the men doing the guarding to be funded by the islanders themselves.[2] So because of tax-exemption and living happily at others' expense it was said that one had to choose either to be rich or to garrison.
Greek Original:*frourei=n h)\ ploutei=n: e)pi\ tw=n kerdai/nein e)fieme/nwn: *)aqhnai=oi ga\r frourai=s dialabo/ntes tou\s nhsiw/tas misqou\s e)/tacan mega/lous toi=s fula/ssousin u(p' au)tw=n xorhgei=sqai tw=n nhsiwtw=n. di' a)te/leian ou)=n kai\ to\ a)talaipw/rws e)k tw=n a)llotri/wn zh=n ei)rh=sqai, w(s de/on h)\ ploutei=n tina h)\ frourei=n.
Photius phi313 Theodoridis.
[1] During the Athenian Empire of the fifth century BCE, evidently (many of the members of which were indeed Aegean 'islanders').
[2] cf.
Zenobius 6.32 (and more briefly in other paroemiographers).
Keywords: daily life; economics; ethics; geography; history; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 March 2006@06:30:01.
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