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Headword: *fro/nhma
Adler number: phi,720
Translated headword: pride
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] elation.[1]
"Under the influence of pride he inserts his hands to break apart the wood, and dies from being crushed."[2]
'Pride' is also arrogance.[3] "The Rhodians, who had a lot of pride earlier, on the presumption that they had beaten both Philip and Antiochus and were stronger than the Romans, reached such a state of fear that [...they condemned] those who had been inclined to oppose the Romans [and] sent away [those who were captured] for punishment."[4]
Greek Original:
*fro/nhma: h( e)/parsis. o( de\ u(po\ fronh/matos kaqi/hsi ta\s xei=ras w(s diarrh/cwn to\ cu/lon kai\ piesqei\s qnh/skei. *fro/nhma kai\ h( a)lazonei/a. oi( de\ *(ro/dioi fro/nhma polu\ pro/teron e)/xontes, w(s kai\ au)toi\ to/n te *fi/lippon kai\ to\n *)anti/oxon nenikhko/tes tw=n te *(rwmai/wn krei/ttous o)/ntes, e)s tosou=ton de/os a)fi/konto, w(/ste tw=n ta)nanti/a toi=s *(rwmai/ois fronhsa/ntwn e)pi\ timwri/an pe/myai.
The headword may be extracted from a literary source, but we may also be dealing with a generic lexical reference. A neuter noun (again phi 721), it could be nominative or accusative singular, but the initial gloss is unambiguously nominative.
[1] A scholium to Thucydides uses the same gloss in the dative case for a dative occurrence of the word in Thuc. 1.81.6; cf. generally tau 725.
[2] A loose approximation of Pausanias 6.14.8, on the renowned strongman Milo of Croton. When wedges failed to split the trunk of a tree, Milo tried to pull the tree apart with his bare hands, but the wedges slipped, Milo's hands got stuck and he was eaten by wolves. See already mu 1066 and tau 209.
[3] Once again this secondary lemma is (or is potentially) nominative and the gloss nominative. A scholium to (?)Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 953, uses the genitive form of the latter to gloss a genitive occurrence of the former.
[4] A careless and, toward the end, incomprehensible abridgement of Cassius Dio 20.68.1, via the Excerpta de legationibus of Constantine Porphyrogenitus 413.25-31 (Dio Excerpt 13).
Keywords: agriculture; athletics; biography; botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics; science and technology; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 3 February 2014@12:46:37.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-refs; various tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 4 February 2014@03:06:11.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 9 July 2016@18:59:22.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 28 March 2023@20:33:20.


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