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Search results for phi,703 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,703
Translated headword: addle-brained
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one whose wits are addled, an insane person.
"When Leo was emperor of the Romans, the Ethiopians brought giraffes and two addle-brained men with very short bodies, the sort that
Homer called pygmies."[1]
Greek Original:*frenoblabh/s: o( ta\s fre/nas beblamme/nos, o( para/frwn. e)pi\ *le/ontos tou= basile/ws *(rwmai/wn *ai)qi/opes e)ko/misan kamhloparda/leis kai\ du/o e)n braxuta/tois sw/masin a)/ndras frenoblabei=s, ou(\s dh\ pugmai/ous *(/omhros w)no/mase.
For addle-brained-ness see already
phi 702.
Iliad 3.6. The quotation as a whole is reckoned to be
Life of Isidore fr. 128 Zintzen (78 Asmus), though Adler had wanted to attribute it to 'a Byzantine chronicle'. For Leo(n), see
lambda 267.
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; epic; geography; medicine; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 March 2001@01:21:10.
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