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Headword: *frea/ntlhs
Adler number: phi,696
Translated headword: Phreantles
Vetting Status: high
Cleanthes the philosopher was so called;[1] for since he had no means of support, by night he used to spend his nights drawing water for hire, while by day he studied his books.
Greek Original:
*frea/ntlhs: ou(/tws e)kalei=to *klea/nqhs o( filo/sofos: mh\ e)/xwn ga\r o(/qen trafei/h, ta\s me\n nu/ktas h)/ntlei u(/dwr misqw=|, meq' h(me/ran de\ toi=s bibli/ois e)sxo/laze.
From Diogenes Laertius 7.168; see more fully at kappa 1711. The Stoic philosopher Cleanthes of Assos (331-232 BCE) was a disciple of Zeno of Citium (the founder of the Stoa) and his successor as the head of the school.
[1] He who draws water from a well. This nickname is also noted by Hesychius of Miletus, Epitome (ed. Wentzel, Texte und Untersuchungen zür Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur) XIII.3.
Keywords: biography; daily life; economics; food; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 12 November 1999@12:47:50.
Vetted by:
Svetla Slaveva on 1 February 2000@11:37:55.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 20 September 2002@09:14:08.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 27 November 2005@09:45:33.
David Whitehead on 18 December 2013@04:50:36.
David Whitehead (coding) on 31 May 2016@07:19:23.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 27 March 2023@12:34:35.


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