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Adler number: phi,642
Translated headword: porpoise
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also [sc. attested is a proverb]: 'Phokos' meal'; [sc. it used] against those who, assembling for a feast, do themselves harm; for a certain Phokos, with a marrigeable daughter whom many were courting, put together meals and, in feasting the suitors, deferred the marriage. So they, enraged, killed Phokos at the party.[1]
But oxytone fwko/s [means] a container.[2]
Greek Original:*fw=kos. kai\ paroimi/a: *fw/kou e)/ranos: kata\ tw=n eu)wxi/as sunago/ntwn e)pi\ tw=| e(autw=n kakw=|: *fw=kos ga/r tis qugate/ra e)/xwn e)pi\ ga/mw|, pollw=n au)th\n mnhsteuome/nwn, e)ra/nous sunh=ge kai\ e(stiw=n tou\s mnhsth=ras a)neba/lleto to\n ga/mon. o)rgisqe/ntes ou)=n e)kei=noi e)n tw=| sumposi/w| a)pe/kteinan to\n *fw=kon. *fwko\s de\ o)cuto/nws, to\ a)ggei=on.
The headword, though unglossed here, is glossed in
Hesychius s.v. (as a dolphin-like sea creature).
Aristotle calls it a
[1] cf.
Zenobius 6.37 and other paroemiographers; also
Photius phi363 Theodoridis, with other references there.
[2] Attested as such only here.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; daily life; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; proverbs; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 28 October 2010@07:06:19.
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