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Search results for phi,614 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,614
Translated headword: forum, marketplace
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a place, the place of selling.[1]
[Note] that below the forum are buried two crosses of the two robbers [sc. crucified with Christ] and a beka[2] of ointment, that with which Christ anointed himself, and many other devoted tokens, placed there by Constantine the Great, but safeguarded by
Theodosius the Great.[3]
But [sc. note also]
foro/s with an accute accent on the last syllable, [meaning] a propitious wind.[4]
"Seeing that for his enemies a favorable and brisk wind was blowing, but for them an adverse one, [for] from the wind at the opposite side, the sea was swelling and harsh, he was at a loss, wondering what they ought to use in the present situation."[5]
Greek Original:*fo/ros: o( to/pos, to\ pwlhth/rion. o(/ti ka/twqen tou= fo/rou kexwsme/noi u(pa/rxousi du/o stauroi\ tw=n du/o lh|stw=n kai\ bhki/on mu/rou, o(\ h)lei/yato o( *xristo/s, kai\ polla\ e(/tera shmeioforika/, teqe/nta me\n para\ *kwnstanti/nou tou= mega/lou, a)sfalisqe/nta de\ u(po\ tou= mega/lou *qeodosi/ou. *foro\s de\ o)cuto/nws, o( e)pith/deios a)/nemos. toi=s e)nanti/ois o(rw=n foro\n a)/nemon kai\ lampro\n katapne/onta, sfi/si de\ dusxerh=, pro\s a)nti/on a)/nemon koi/lhs kai\ traxei/as u(parxou/shs th=s qala/sshs, dihpo/rei, ti/ dei= xrh=sqai toi=s parou=si.
The headword transliterates the Latin
[1] For this second gloss cf.
pi 2161 (though in the present, non-Athenian context its scope is more general).
[2] About 0.2 ounces or 5.5 grams.
[3] ps.-Codinus,
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.20 (Preger,
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 161.9-13).
[4] John
Differences phi9. An example of this occurs in the passage about to be cited, and see generally LSJ s.v.
Polybius 1.60.6 (on C. Lutatius Catulus in 241 BCE).
Keywords: architecture; biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Kyle Heath on 1 December 2005@19:22:52.
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