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Search results for phi,602 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,602
Translated headword: mat-style
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Thucydides [writes]: "cutting down trees out of
Kithairon they were building a construction across on each side in mat-style, positioning it instead of walls, so that the bank of earth not be spread out over a great space."[1] And elsewhere: "and the Corcyreans, after they loaded the bodies onto wagons in mat-style, heaped them outside the city."[2]
Greek Original:*formhdo/n: *qoukudi/dhs: cu/la te/mnontes e)k tou= *kiqairw=nos parw|kodo/moun e(kate/rwqen formhdo/n. a)nti\ toi/xwn tiqe/ntes, o(/pws mh\ diaxe/oito e)pipolu\ to\ xw=ma. kai\ au)=qis: kai\ tou\s nekrou\s oi( *kerkurai=oi formhdo\n e)pi\ a(ma/cas e)pibalo/ntes a)ph/gagon e)/cw th=s po/lews.
The headword adverb is glossed in the previous entry,
phi 601. The present entry provides both passages of
Thucydides in which the historian uses the word.
See also
phi 607,
phi 608,
psi 92.
[1] 2.75.2.
[2] 4.48.4.
Keywords: botany; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Kyle Helms on 30 April 2012@06:27:58.
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