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Search results for phi,580 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,580
Translated headword: transportation, transposition
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the interchange [or: variation] over the whole place; and especially the [sort] that is not able to stop by itself whenever [one] wishes.[1]
[Note] that the one who says that transportation is the genus of the movement according to place ranges the genus under the species. Even
Plato does this: for when defining the movement according to place, he called it 'transportation'. But transportation belongs to inanimate things and to things that, unwillingly, change from one place to another -- 'unwillingly' meaning 'not intentionally'. Now if there are some things changing not willingly from one place to another, such as walking things, movement according to place would be something on a larger scale there. Not every movement according to place [is] transportation.[2]
And elsewhere: "great is your annoyance at such a burden (
fo/rhma); however, endure it! To noble people what is shameful is hateful and what is good is glorious. But if you abandon this reproach, this is not noble [for you], and if you perform it, boy, [you will have] the highest price of glory, if I return alive to Oeta’s land." Philoctetes says [this].[3]
Greek Original:*fora/: h( kata\ o(/lou to/pou e)nallagh/: kai\ ma/lista h( mh\ duname/nh e)f' e(auth=s sth=nai o(/tan e)qe/lh|. o(/ti o( th=s kata\ to/pon kinh/sews ge/nos le/gwn th\n fora\n to\ ge/nos u(po\ tw=| ei)/dei ti/qhsi. poiei= de\ kai\ tou=to *pla/twn: o(rizo/menos ga\r th\n kata\ to/pon ki/nhsin fora\n au)th\n ei)=pen. a)lla\ fora\ me/n e)sti tw=n a)yu/xwn te kai\ a)kousi/ws a)meibome/nwn to/pon e)k to/pou. to\ de\ a)kousi/ws a)nti\ tou= ou)x e(kousi/ws. ei) ou)=n tina/ e)stin ou)x e(kousi/ws metaba/llonta to/pon e)k to/pou, w(s ta\ badi/zonta, ei)/h a)\n e)pi\ ple/on h( kata\ to/pon ki/nhsis. ou) pa=sa de\ kata\ to/pon ki/nhsis fora/. kai\ au)=qis: dusxe/reia me\n pollh\ tou=de tou= forh/matos: o(/mws de\ tlh=qi. toi=si gennai/oisi/ toi to/ t' ai)sxro\n e)xqro\n kai\ to\ xrhsto\n eu)klee/s. soi\ d' e)klipo/nti tou=t' o)/neidos ou) kalo/n, dra/santi d', w)= pai=, plei=ston eu)klei/as ge/ras, e)a\n mo/lw 'gw\ zw=n pro\s *oi)tai/an xqo/na. *filokth/ths fhsi/.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius phi258 Theodoridis.
[2] Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 316.1-9.
Philoctetes 473-479 (web address 1).
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Web address 1
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy; tragedy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 24 June 2004@16:17:52.
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