[Meaning] tresses, the hair [sc. of the head].[1]
" [...] and he was letting his hair grow long with tawniest locks."[2]
*fo/bh: ko/mh, qri/c. o(/s te fo/bh|si canqota/tais e)ko/ma.
The headword is a feminine noun in the nominative (and vocative) singular. In the quotation given it occurs in the dative plural. See already
phi 554 for the accusative plural, and generally LSJ s.v.
[1] Although translated here as a plural, the first glossing noun is singular in number, the same form as the lemma; see LSJ s.v.
ko/mh and
kappa 1993. The second gloss is a feminine noun in the nominative singular; see LSJ s.v. and
theta 500. The headword is similarly glossed in
Etymologicum Magnum 797.56 (Kallierges), and ps.-Herodian,
Partitiones 145. For the second gloss, Adler also cites
Lexicon Ambrosianum 433.
Hecale fr. 376 Pfeiffer. [In her critical apparatus Adler observes that Crusius incorrectly includes the fragment in his edition of
Babrius (p. 216). She also reports that ms G replaces the particle
te by
tis (
someone) and transmits an alternative form of the imperfect indicative active, third person singular
e)ko/mei of the contract verb
koma/w (Ionic
I let my hair grow long.]
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